Saturday, November 12, 2005

AJAX , SOAP and Web 2.0

James Snell, a software engineer at IBM, has a great article on building SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) client with AJAX. James writes:
In order to invoke Web services from within a Web browser and reliably process the SOAP messages, you need to first understand the security issues. (See the sidebar "A Word about Security.") You also need to write a JavaScript script library (Figure 2) that can abstract away the inconsistencies of the underlying browser XML implementations, allowing you to work directly with the Web services data.

An example of AJAX based RSS reader is available here. More AJAX examples from DrClue.

On February 18, 2005, Jesse James Garrett, coined the term AJAX in the following passage. Believe it or not, since then AJAX has been the "buzz word."

Google Suggest and Google Maps are two examples of a new approach to web applications that we at Adaptive Path have been calling Ajax. The name is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript + XML, and it represents a fundamental shift in what’s possible on the Web.

Fueled Software has a few pointers on how not to use AJAX. Meanwhile, Informit has an article on how to use AJAX.

From the "Good Ajax Gone Bad" section of AJAX article by Fueled Software,

While Ajax is a compelling idea, too many people are jumping on the Ajax bandwagon and using it in ways that are overboard. In this post, we are going to look at some of the times when Ajax goes bad. Before we do, I want to say that these are merely examples of inappropriate or unnecessary use but they demonstrate concepts that can be useful.

According to the AJAX tutorial by Informit,

Kris Hadlock explains how to use AJAX in a real-world situation and how you can assess its value in a project. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll know what AJAX is as well as where, why, and how to use it.

The core features of Web 2.0 and section on AJAX from a Powerpoint tutorial by Anubhav Kale on AJAX

Core features of Web 2.0
Web as a Platform
Collective Intelligence
Above the level of Single Device
Services , not packaged software
Rich User experiences

Assists in User Interfaces
Less machine readable / linkable webpages

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At 8:18 AM, Blogger Frank said...

Thank you for stopping by. I will check it out and if it works I will post an article about it.



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